The article goes on:
"The bill does not shy away from addressing issues of national security and its ties to immigration regulations. As even Fox News reports, the bill addresses, "improved Visa tracking, securing U.S. borders, improving the employee verification system known as E-Verify and providing a path to citizenship." Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, said at a hearing, as a response: "I urge restraint in that regard … Let no one be so cruel as to try to use the heinous attacks of these two young men last week to derail the dreams and futures of millions of hard-working people." Robert Costa reports the "tweaking process could take months, which is just fine with many Republicans, who’d like the public to have as much time as possible to chew over the controversial elements of Obama’s prized bills. The caucus consensus is: The more time Congress takes to consider a bill, the more time the public has to sour on its components." It’s clear that attempts to try to slow down immigration reform based on these crises are part of greater political agendas.
What is more important is the vital need for immigration reform as soon as possible. The bill provides a vehicle for citizenship that is far from perfect: most estimate it would take about 13 years, and all provisions will be contingent upon strict regulation to make the good enforceable. However, the bill still is vital to better and stronger immigration policy.
Senator Chuck Shumer dressed Grassley down hard today for his comments on Thursday, and we can only hope that is an indication of how our conversations about immigration reform will progress. This bill is overdue, and we should not pander to those who look to crisis to dissuade progress on such a pivotal issue."
Or in sum: if Sen. Grassley thinks we need to slow down and figure out what's wrong with our immigration system, he should be enthusiastically supporting this bill. Because anyone who's been in the field can tell you with precision how and why the system is broken and badly in need of reform. That exactly is the dialogue that has been opened with last week's Senate bill. That the Senator thinks we need to put the brakes on what alreadya glacially slow process exhibits the obvious: he's pandering to the group that still thinks the solution is to "deport them all."