The Civics Test for NaturalizationTo become a U.S. citizen, you are required to pass the naturalization test. This takes place at your naturalization interview where you will be asked questions about both your background and application. You will be expected to pass both an English language and Civics test too, unless your situation allows you to be exempt from all or some of the tests.
For information about medical waivers of the civics test, click here. The Civics test is about aspects of the American Government and may require some prior study on your behalf so that you are prepared for the test. The answers to the naturalization test do not always stay the same and may differ depending on who holds particular posts in the government in the country at any specific time. This means that you must make sure you know the correct answers and have kept up to date on the day your test is to take place. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) officer will not accept answers that are incorrect, even if there have been recent changes such as an election taking place. The test is conducted orally and the questions are asked by a USCIS Officer who will ask up to ten civics questions taken from a possible one hundred. In order to pass you will be required to answer correctly 6 out of 10. You will be given two opportunities to take the Civics test. If you fail it at your first interview, you will have to be retested. This must take place between 60 and 90 days since your first interview date. There are exceptions for the Civics test You might qualify for an exception to the Civics test component of your naturalization requirements if you have a developmental or physical disability or you are burdened with a mental impairment. There is a form available for you to use in order to file your exception. This is called Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions, Form N-648 which has to be completed by any of a number of different professionals including a licensed medical doctor, an osteopathic doctor, or a clinical psychologist who has the correct license. This is to ensure you are really eligible for the exception. Read more about the N-648 here. If you are 65 years old or older and have been a legal permanent resident of the United States for 20 or more years, you may be exempt from studying certain portions of the study materials for the Civics test. The Civics test study materials You are not expected to guess the possible questions that could be asked you at your interview as the UCSIS not only provides you with 100 possible questions with answers but also offers guidance in the form of study materials. These are available on the Citizenship and Resource Center website. These can be found at the following link. Examples of test questions are as follows American Democracy |