L-1 Visas for the Tech IndustryThe L-1 visa, also known as the intra-company transferee visa, is specifically designated for a worker of a multi-national company who is being sent to the U.S. to work for a subsidiary, parent, affiliate or branch of the company that has its operations in the U.S.
The IT industry in recent years has taken advantage of this visa category to send experienced staff to the U.S.A. to work for and direct such companies. Many companies in India and China have sent their best and brightest to the U.S. to work in the L-1A category, which is set aside for employees who have director and manager experience. The L-1B category involves staff who are highly specialist, both in the tech industry as a whole and who have accumulated knowledge and expertise working for the company in their home country, which is required in the company in the U.S.A. In the L-1A visa category, the executive or manager has to have been employed for the company which qualifies to transfer eligible employees in the capacity as a manager or as an executive for at least a continuous year in the last three years. In the case of the L-1B category an employee with specialized knowledge of the services, products or procedures of the organization will have to prove that he or she has completed the same work requirement overseas too. For the growing IT industry, there are several advantages of the L-1 classification which includes
It is not the question of just having a parent, subsidiary, affiliate or branch in the U.S. and the employee gets the right to an L-1 visa. There is much documentation required by the UCSIS to prove the following: